Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tea for Two

My children have almost a decade of years between them (God's design, not ours).  This, along with the fact that they are different genders, and have drastically different personalities, might make one question the type of relationship they have.  But let me assure you, they have a love for each other that speaks through the years and differences.  So, when my 2 year old asks her 10 year old brother to play tea and he joins in, your heart instantly warms.

You have to smile at the details that are attended to, the gentle way things are handled, the way they interact together, and the sweet way the years between them melt away.

I loved how my daughter was so serious, and that my son played along.  I especially loved that my son was ok with me catching it all on camera, because before I know it, this time will be gone forever.

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