Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Playing in the Strawberry Fields

When I was a kid, one of my neighbors had a glorious patch of fresh strawberries on the land that backed up to our neighborhood.  Like most neighborhoods, our land used to be farm land, and so a few of the smaller 5 acre plots remained.  While I don't really recall the families farming, their land was a place of great memories for me.  There was an enormous tree with a tire swing and a large patch of strawberries that were ripe for the picking in the early summer months.

So, you can imagine that when my MOPS group announced that we were going strawberry picking, I was a little more giddy than maybe expected.  I get a little like that sometimes, both as a mom rounding out her "firsts" and as a documentary photographer - giddy.  It's exciting (and maybe a touch sad) to make the yearly visits to apple picking, pumpkin picking, tree picking - it's where all the best memories are made.

I loved that my daughter is still in her rain boots stage.  Perfect for her frilly dress - a combination to be seen more days than I can count.  And a memory I so hold tight.  And my son.  My growing young man.  You know those moments as a mom when you look at your child and you realize they have grown and have become a big kid - or maybe a young adult.  This was one of those moments.  That mixed with little hands and big brother helpers - it was all pretty sweet.

They were such a team - working together to find good picks.  It's more strawberries than we will likely eat any time soon, but the time spent was well worth the $5.

And that run down the field for the hug.  Glorious.  As well as the one coming back.

I'm forever thankful for a MOPS Momma who offered to make sure I was in a shot too!  Off we were to find some good strawberry recipes for all those fresh picked gems.  Strawberry jam anyone?

Until next time,

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