Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Napping Time

A few years ago, before E was old enough, I remember seeing a photo of a toddler sleeping in their bed.  It was fantastic and I thought how much I hoped to one day be able to photograph my own child napping.  Since our daughter is sometimes a light sleeper, and my camera was a middle level camera, taking pictures in her dark room hadn't yielded the results I was hoping for.  So, a few days ago, I went in to check on her, and boy was she OUT - and adorable with her hands above her head!  And I thought, maybe, just maybe, with my upgraded equipment that was better in low light and quieter at shooting, I might be able to snag a few.  I grabbed my camera and slllooowwwly pulled back the curtain and quietly turned the blinds one crank at time until just the smallest amount of light came through the blinds.  Then I tip toed around her bed.  I love so much about these that I just can't even tell you.  They are her and so many details of her that matter right now and I know I will look back on and remember fondly as the Momma.  Maybe this even brings back sweet memories for you.

Until next time,

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