Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Faces of Christmas Morning

The word anticipation is something that is definitely pictured on the faces of children on Christmas morning.  It is such a perfect description for a feeling that has built (for many) for almost the entire year.  It is a mixture of excitement about the unknown, hope for what we have been holding onto for months, and joy for something long wished for or even unexpected.  The faces show it all.

Faces of curiosity.  Faces of things not yet recognized or fully understood.

Faces of excitement and joy.  Faces of surprise and soft happiness.

 Faces of intense concentration and thought.  Faces of love and of care.

Because like our faces on Christmas morning, our love for one another often shows these same attributes of curiosity, newness, excitement and joy.  Of surprise, soft happiness, intense thought and serious care.  Our anticipation of love is so similar as well: overflowing like a Christmas tree on Christmas morning, waiting to be opened.  But truly, it is Christ's love that is the celebration of this day.  A celebration of a Father's love for us, sent as a long awaited and anticipated gift and a promise to our broken world.  "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us."  1 John 3:16  So, long after the presents are all unwrapped and the tree sits bare underneath, God's love for us, sent as a child so long ago, is the one gift that truly gives forever.  And it fills us with excitement, joy, surprise, happiness, intense thought, and serious care, because He is full of all of those things for us.

Until next time ...

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