Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Bucket List Goodbyes

So, it's feeling way more like summer around here, which means that your summer bucket list is just around the corner.  Of course, as mentioned before, our family is attempting to hit the Botanical Gardens as much as we can before our family pass expires.  And when you have super close friends that are moving soon and have visiting the Botanical Gardens on their bucket list, it only makes sense to go together!

These two little girls are such great friends and it shows in all the playing they do together.  It is both heart warming and heart breaking to see them spend time together, knowing that it is going to change in ways they can't possibly understand as toddlers.  I'm beyond thankful I can capture in pictures, for me, the way it FEELS when I watch them play.  

We started with some craft time.  The girls made a cover for a book with pressed flowers, which was a lot of fun to watch.
 I always love to see their concentration and attention to detail at this age.  And to see them be in wonder of how things come together is pretty awesome too.

On to play time and dress up.  They had a ton of fun being flowers and ladybugs and watching themselves on the screen, all while Abbey played Mom to them both and got them in and out of costumes.

 I can't go to the Botanical Gardens without taking pictures of flowers (duh), so when I saw this line, Abbey sat with the girls while I took a few shots.  Of course, what happened organically (because Abbey is a Momma with preschool training) is that she started talking to the girls about the fountain in front of them and gave them both a penny to make a wish.  Great memories here - and moments that I live for.

Off we went to the Children's Garden, which is really just a huge play area.  With little miss's cast, we have avoided all climbing and playing for the last few weeks, but this day, we just went for it.  The girls have SO much fun running and playing and chasing each other.  And our friend is an amazing little girl full of independence, fearlessness (do you see that jump?!?) and leadership.  A bit like her momma - something I will miss from both of them.

 Some of these moments will be burned in my brain forever, even without the pictures.  I can hear their giggling and laughter as they run up the hill.

 I loved their faces as they came off that slide!  It's always a treat for me.  And I adored seeing Abbey play with the girls as they did the slide a dozen times.

Next up was lunch!  Veggie straws have become a staple in our house and sharing them with a friend is the best way to enjoy them.

And when you share food, sitting side by side is the best way to do it.  Plus, then you can sneak in extra hugs & kisses during lunch.  These girls.

 After lunch, we found the rose garden and these girls ran all over!  They found so many colors to stop and smell, and then the running with each other, with their hair wiping in the wind, all for the hunt of the next color, it was just irresistible.

 And those hands.  Oh those hands.  Side-by-side strollers made holding hands seem like the natural thing to do.  It might not have been as easy as it looks, but it was definitely as sweet.

And finally, well, there are flowers.  As we meandered our way through the rest of the gardens and chatted, I snapped a few shots of flowers as we talked.  The hope was that the girls would nap in their strollers, but they seemed to have other plans.

On our way out, seeing real bee keepers was a sight to stop and watch.  And giving hugs amidst fits of giggles is definitely a great way to head out.  One more check off the bucket list and only a few more days until those hugs will be tear filled.

Until next time,

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