Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 5 on 5: What 40 Looks Like

Today, my husband turns 40.  When I was younger, I think I had visions of 40 being the down side of life.  After all, turning 40 means decorations that are black with gravestones and 100 different jokes about how you are over the hill.  We all know the drill.  The thing is, 40 doesn't seem like it feels that way at all.  Yes, we are more tired than we used to be, and yes, sometimes life can be harder on our bodies than it used to be, but all and all, I really think 40 is more like the up side of life.  The side of life that you get to enjoy things you didn't know you would.

Forty looks like helping your son with lights on his new bike - in the dark - before your 18 mile bike race - at midnight.

Forty looks like being willing to ride said bike down the street so your son can see the lights working himself, instead of just doing a test ride and straining to see the lights.

Forty looks like making little fixes in your home to help keep your children safe.

Forty is being exhausted after a day of work and an evening of yard work ...

and then finding the energy to run through the sprinkler with your two year old.  And having a blast doing it.

Forty looks pretty good on you, my love.  Pretty good I say.

And since this is my 5 on 5, it is time to blog hop.  Head on over and check out Jessica's 5 on 5 story this month at Samarie-Lei.


  1. Forty is Fabulous! Happy Birthday to your hubby.

  2. Forty isn't all that bad, right?!?!!? So great that you captured all of these moments for him-- and I love that he ran through the sprinklers too!!!

  3. Here's to 40! I think (hope? haha) that I will be just hitting my stride at 40.

  4. Forty looks energetic and engaging! A great set of images. :)

  5. What a fun set! I love that you documented your husband :)


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